讲座主题:Mother matters: The causal impact of parental education on children’s educational investment in China
主讲嘉宾:陈媛媛 上海财经大学高等研究院教授
讲座时间:2023年11月3日 10:00-13:00
内容摘要:We use the college enrollment expansion in China beginning in 1999 to estimate the causal effect of parental education on educational investment in children. Using data from the China Family Panel Studies, we find that mothers’ schooling significantly increases out-of-school educational spending on children, and children's attendance of tutorial classes, as well as non-monetary investment such as mother's hours in tutoring children, while there's no such causal effect from fathers’ schooling. We have verified a few channels through which parental education affects investment, such as family resources, bargaining power, and parenting style. A potential explanation for the divergent impacts observed between maternal and paternal education is that educational reforms amplify mothers’ bargaining power within the household, consequently leading to increased expenditure on children.